12th Computer Science Chapter- 3 Onemarks Online Test

Question 1: Which of the following refers to the visibility of variable in one part of the program to another part of the same program
A) Scope
B) Memory
C) Address
D) Accessibilty
Question 2: The process of binding a varaible name with an object is called
A) Scope
B) Mappping
C) Late Binding
D) Early Binding
Question 3: Which of the following is used in programming languages to map the variable and objects
A) ::
B) :=
C) =
D) ==
Question 4: Containers for mapping names of variables to objects is called
A) Scope
B) Mapping
C) Binding
D) Namespace
Question 5: Which scope refers to variables defined in current function?
A) Local Scope
B) Global Scope
C) Module Scope
D) Function Scope
Question 6: The process of subdividing a computer program into separate sub-programs is called
A) Procedural Programming
B) Modular Programming
C) Event Driven Programming
D) Object Oriented Programming
Question 7: Which of the following security technique that requlates who can use resource in a computing environment?
A) Password
B) Authentication
C) Access Control
D) Certification
Question 8: Which of the following members of a class can be handled only from within the class?
A) Public Members
B) Protectedd Members
C) Secured Members
D) Private Members
Question 9: Which members are accessible from outside the class?
A) Public Members
B) Protected Members
C) Secured Members
D) Private Members
Question 10: The members that are accessible from within the classs and are aslo available to its sub-classes is called
A) Public Members
B) Protected Members
C) Secured Members
D) Private Members

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