12th Computer Science Chapter- 11 Onemarks Online Test

Question 1: What is the acronym of DBMS
A) DataBase Management Symbol
B) DataBase Managing System
C) DataBase Management System
D) DataBasic Management System
Question 2: A table is known as
A) Tuple
B) Attribute
C) Relation
D) Entity
Question 3: Which database model represents parent-child relationship?
A) Relational
B) Network
C) Hierarchical
D) Object
Question 4: Relational database model was first proposed by
A) E F Codd
B) E E Codd
C) E F Cadd
D) E F Codder
Question 5: What type relationship does hierarchical model represents?
A) one-to-one
B) one-to-many
C) many-to-one
D) many-to-many
Question 6: Who is called father of relational database from the following?
A) Chris Date
B) Hugh Darween
C) Edgar Frank Codd
D) Edgar Frank Cadd
Question 7: Which of the following s an RDBMS?
A) Dbase
B) Foxpro
C) Microsoft Access
D) Microsoft Excel
Question 8: What symbol is used for SELECT statement?
A) σ
B) π
C) X
D) Ω
Question 9: A tuple is also known as
A) Table
B) Row
C) Attribute
D) Field
Question 10: Who developed ER model?
A) Chen
B) EF Codd
C) Chend
D) Chand

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